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11:45AM - 1:00PM ET



​​Do you feel most alive when your writing practice is flourishing (i.e., when you’re writing every day with focus and intention)?


Do you start feeling anxious when you’re unable to find the time to write?

Do you ever wonder what you could accomplish if you had even one hour a day to:

  • commit to your writing practice?

  • complete a writing project you’ve been longing to finish?

  • build a community of like-minded and supportive writers?


Join us on Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays to write for an hour in supportive silence* on a piece of work or a writing project of your own choosing. The session will be entirely self-directed, without writing prompts, assignments, or feedback. There is no fee for this writing series.


The ZOOM room will be open 15 minutes before the start of each session at 11:45 A.M. (ET) for chatting and getting to know one another. We’ll start the writing session promptly at 12:00 p.m. (ET) and close at 1:00 p.m. (ET). (Conveniently timed to meet the needs of multiple time zones — that’s 8:00 a.m. in Alaska, 9:00 a.m. in California, 10:00 a.m. in Colorado, 11:00 a.m. in Illinois, 12:00 p.m. in NY, and 5:00 p.m. in London!)


You’ll be amazed by how much you can accomplish in one hour of focused commitment to your writing practice on a regular basis, all supported by other writers making the same commitment. That novel / chapbook / memoir / essay / short story is within your reach!


Join us at 11:45 (ET) on Mondays-Wednesdays-Fridays, and Write Yourself Alive!


To register, email me at and I’ll send you the ZOOM link.


This series is FREE. (Feel free to share this with your writer friends!)


*The phrase "supportive silence" was coined by writer, editor, and workshop facilitator Sue Reynolds.



"[Jill] fosters a safe community for you to explore and grow your writing without judgement"


Working with Jill during her writing workshops gave me time to escape everyday life and do something creative every week. She really helped me develop and feel confident in my writing voice. If you’re thinking of working with Jill to expand your capabilities as a writer, it will be well worth it. She fosters a safe community for you to explore and grow your writing without judgement.


- Sophie Shepherd
New York, NY

"I'm so thankful to have experienced Jill's guidance and mentorship, and am astonished how much writing I have produced as a result!"

tommy smile.jpg

Jill's workshops were transformational for me. I had lots of ideas and had written in other formats (children's TV, etc.) but I really wanted to explore memoir and also fiction based on some real experiences.  "Writing In the Raw" as Jill taught us to do in her sessions was a wonderful experience.  Setting one's self free to just let it flow, not worrying about editing, or even spelling or punctuation, but letting the flow of thoughts and ideas and dialogue and impressions flow; editing could come later.  And what rich raw material this produced!


Jill has a terrific sense of knowing how to help each individual writer become better at their craft, and also an empathetic skill at encouraging a writer to become their best.  


The workshops provided a discipline and commitment to writing, to getting things down on paper, to moving from ideas to creative results, that I would not have had any other way. I'm so thankful to have experienced Jill's guidance and mentorship, and am astonished how much writing I have produced as a result! She's simply the best.


-Tommy Nichols

South Orange, NJ

Looking for more inspiration? Reclaim your inner muse with these creative and journaling prompts!

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